

Girls Are Expensive

Many of you will most likely have seen or heard the following joke in some way, shape, or form: 

Let's admit to ourselves that the above is quite clever, and very funny. I laughed and laughed when it was first shown to me. However, I have to point out something that negates this calculation: 

Now, I'm not entirely sure what this guy's math teacher told him, but I - along with I'm sure about 99% of the world - have always been taught that, in mathematics, "and" means addition, not multiplication; multiplication has always been represented by the word "by". So "and" = "+", and "by" = "x". That being the case, we would have to conclude the following:


Which makes this proof inaccurate, which, therefore, means it is wrong. This calculation more or less ends at the third line (the first "therefore" statement), since afterward it doesn't make all that much sense. All that we can really conclude from this (considering Girls = 2Money) is that: 

But I'm pretty sure we all knew that...

Logically yours, 


  1. I thought there was an hourly rate in this business or something, so h X $ would be correct. lol

  2. Yeah, but you never know how much you will be spending once you take her out... always make sure you have some access those educational funds you've got locked up.. just incase your pocket change doesn't cover all of dinner =P
